一些幕后:片中电话都是真实的拍摄时另外5名演员都在一家酒店里打;宝马放在平板拖车上三台摄像机悬挂在三个位置导演坐在拖车上指挥;本片都是在公路上拍每晚朝伦敦方向开2-3次一共拍了5晚;每27分钟停下换SD卡和镜头一共拍摄了16条簧色游戏大全最后剪辑成片;场景都是真实的比如写着always been happy的卡车多次出现的警车其实是保护剧组的
Ah, so Midsommar was inspired by this! Powerful, distinctive portrayal of an otherworldly village where paganism beliefs have seeped in everywhere and every person functions as part of an organic whole. The affability and peacefulness visible to the eyes are all the more horrifying when underlain by sinister intentions. As we learn everything through the sergeant's eyes, the identification has been built up throughout the entire film and therefore the final wicker man scene comes even harder and stronger, leaving us shiver in total hopelessness. (When the sergeant shouts desperately 'can't you see there is no sun god!', does he have a fleeting doubt about his Lord Jesus Christ too?)